Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Digital Dynasty or Digital Devastation?

To what extent will the digital revolution take over? That is the question at hand in both articles, "Digital publishers face a winter of discontent" and "Business models of most-visited US social networking sites". The ability to use technology on a digital platform to acquire information, connect with other individuals, or create a personal profile, appeared to be what many considered the future. However, in the article published on Digiday, the author makes a claim that might make many second-guess the economy's dependence on digital media. One particular quote stuck out to me: "There’s that sense that not all of these digital news startups will see continuing hockey stick-like  growth,” said Ken Doctor, principal analyst at Outsell." Facebook and Snapchat are two digital sources of information that have seemingly captured the attention of younger generations. Yet it is interesting to read an article where an educated author believes that there is not infinite amounts of room for the niche web publishers. 

One question we must ask ourselves, as consumers, is this: Do we choose digital media out of covenience and cost? Or in a quest to consume the largest, most up-to-date information? In our class today, Iris asked us if we would pay for the Skimm and there were few hands that went up, stating they would. While major networking sites have engrained themselves into our society, is it really fathomable that niche sites will further take over the media platform that exists today? In my opinion, I think users will begin to shy away from using digital media as much once they realize how large corporations like Facebook and Google are able to track their usage and adjust the information they see online. 

This article, also from Digiday, claims the future is bright for digital media this year: It gets better: How digital media will improve in 2016 However, I think that two obstacles, revenue and competitive advantage, will make it difficult for many media outlets to succeed. 

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