Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Brands Are People Too

In reading "Why Mobile Is the Future of Advertising and Marketing," the author makes several good points about how brands can better leverage their mobile advertising tactics and strategies. However, the author failed to mention the most important thing about brand advertising nowadays. Regardless of the media channel or disruptive technology being used, brands can only really succeed in their marketing strategies when they have a clear, appropriate and well-thought-out brand personality.

Maybe I'm a little biased as a PR major, but advertisements, both print and digital, rarely have an affect on me since I know all to well the motives and strategies behind them. The brands that do make me pay attention are the ones that interact with their consumers as if they're a person. They have a distinct personality and are personable in their advertising. They talk with consumers instead of at them. With so much media clutter constantly bombarding our screens, its the brands who make those connections at the human level who can successfully break through.

Last summer, AdWeek published an article called "10 Brands Doing an Amazing Job on Social Media." The common aspect among these brands in their strategy lies in the fact that they understand who they are as a company and how to personify that into a person-like profile online in order to connect with their primary target market. Successful brands have been doing this for ages. The platform or technology used to advertise a brand does not matter unless the content and context of the message resonate with the consumer.

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